Tuesday, December 7, 2010

4.1 Progress with final project

            I didn't write for long time because I was working on my final project. I didn't come to the class last time  because I felt like I can do the same things at home and it's more comfortable for me.  My project wasn't maybe too hard and it's little different then I originaly planned. I didn't do travel agency offer, I just did simply video about Utopia...pictures, music, little information. My work on project in steps:

1) Research what is Utopia according to sources like wikipedia
2) Choosing pictures
3) Putting everything together in mind....then in Windows Movie Maker

            I had some troubles with last step because even I put everything together after all I see still many mistakes like texts is cut....but I didn't have time to fix it so I will ask Prof to give me more time till next week. I need that time to prepare also short speech to present my project in front of class. I will not hide that this is the worse step for me. I hate public speaking.
I hope Prof. will understaand and give me extended time.

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